This article outlines how to run a Data Domain assessment in Live Optics.
Identify the source of the Data Domain Autosupport files
If there is an existing filesystem that has Data Domain Autosupports saved as text files, these can be used. Data Domain can also send Autosupports through email; they can also be downloaded directly from a Data Domain; and can be directly accessed by the collector to a Data Domain system.
Existing Filesystem
- Ensure the filesystem and Autosupport files are stored on is accessible to the Live Optics collector.
- If utilizing email, refer to Data Domain support documentation for the correct commands to generate and send an Autosupport email. Ensure the received email is saved as a text file from the email client itself, or by copying and pasting the entire text into a text editor and save the file to a filesystem that will be accessible to the Live Optics collector.
Download from Data Domain
- Refer to Data Domain support documentation for the correct procedures to access Autosupports stored on the Data Domain system, and save the files to filesystem that will be accessible to the Live Optics collector.
Direct Access from Collector
- Ensure that the IP address of the Data Domain system is known, and a user that has the correct credentials on that system to access Autosupports with its password is known as it will be used.
Running a Data Domain assessment
- When the Live Optics collector is opened, click “Data Protection” from the navigation items on the left.
- Click “Data Domain” from the available assessments.
Browse for ASUPs
- When prompted for ASUP Selection Options, if electing to utilize one of the sources where ASUPs were saved to a filesystem to be used by the collector, click the “Browse for ASUPs” radio button and click Next
- Manually type in a filesystem path in the text box, and scan using the Add Path button, or use the Select Folder button to browser to a file folder where the Autosupport files are located. In both cases, the folder that was identified is scanned to find Autosupport files. If there are none found in that folder, or if an Autosupport is identified which is from a DD OS version that is not support a dialog box will provide the message. A file folder must be identified with at least one Data Domain Autosupport that is valid, and none that are from unsupported versions. Click Next when done.
Automatically Scan ASUPs
- When prompted for ASUP Selection Options, if electing to utilize the collector directly retrieving Autosupports from the Data Domain system directly, after clicking next, the user will be prompted for the Data Domain IP address, the username of the user that can access Autosupports on that system, and that user’s password. Clicking Next, it will initiate the connection. The user will be prompted the success or failure to retrieve Autosupports from the Data Domain system whose credentials were entered.
Upload Options
- In the Uploads Options selection, the user can elect to upload the data immediately to Live Optics for processing by selecting the “Upload my collection data to the Live Optics web portal automatically” radio button, or the data can be uploaded through the portal at a later time by selecting the “I will upload later (requires upload of generated SIOKIT file)”. Both options generate a file with the extension, .siokit which is used by LiveOptics to receive data.
Upload my collection data to the Live Optics web portal automatically
- If the option for uploading was selected, a prompt will display asking to name the Project within Live Optics.
- Clicking next will initiate the upload process, and create the project within Live Optics. The user can then navigate to the Live Optics portal to view the project status and download output files when complete.
I will upload later (requires upload of generated SIOKIT file)
- If the option for uploading later was selected, after clicking next, a file name entry with a default name is present and a file location selection, defaulted to the directory the collector is run from, to allow selecting where the SIOKIT file will be created. After clicking Create File, the file is created. The user can then navigate to the Live Optics portal and upload the SIOKIT file there, creating a project, viewing the status of processing, and downloading output files.