Everything you need to know about Avamar! This page provides help with the most commonly asked questions about Avamar.
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How are the Live Optics Profiles Calibrated for Accuracy?
- The Live Optics team works directly with the Business Unit (DPS) leadership to define goals and objectives for LO-DPS Profiles. Technical requirements, such as calculations and calibration testing are conducted with Subject Matter Experts, selected by BU leadership. Product Management and Engineering resources are also engaged for their expertise so that, where applicable, Live Optics incorporates the same logic in its calculations as Product Engineers expect. Where there are no defined standards, SMEs are leveraged for their knowledge and calibration.
Are there directions on how to use the Live Optics collector, web portal, and scripts?
- Yes. You will find them on our Live Optics Support Site.
What versions of Avamar does Live Optics support?
- Versions: 7.x, 6.x
- Best effort for 5.x
What is an SIOKIT file?
- The Secure IOKIT packages all the pre-processed data into an encrypted file for uploading at a later point in time; typically, when there is internet access. Users create SIOKIT files when they have no internet access on their machine, want to encrypt one or more files for processing data later, or provide an encrypted backup of a streaming project collection. For more information, see the knowledge base article What is an SIOKIT File?
Do I need an SIOKIT?
- No. But it may benefit you or your customers for the reasons mentioned above.
What happens if I skip the SIOKIT creation?
- Nothing detrimental to the project you’re creating. No SIOKIT file will be created.
What files must I have to process data for Avamar?
- Avamar requires one (1) mcs_<nameOfFile>.sql.gz file.
Can I merge raw files for multiple Data Zones or Avamar grid instances?
- No, not today. Run a project for one data zone or Avamar server at a time. Caveat: at the time of this publication, you can select multiple directories for upload. While you can do this, you shouldn’t. The output will not be what you expect. Multiple files will not be aggregated, they will be overwritten the PPT and XLS will only reflect one set of the uploaded files. Soon we intend to prevent multiple parent directory or avamarDB.tar.gz uploads per collection.
What is meant by Capacity or FE Capacity?
- Capacity refers to Front End capacity or Front-End TB (though we show it in GiB, or Base 2).
How is FE Capacity Calculated?
- FE Capacity is calculated as GiB by looking at the maximum capacity of each unique host over a full backup cycle. This capacity value is aggregated by policy/ save set/ image/ etc.
How is the Growth Rate Calculated?
- The Growth Rate is calculated by the difference between the most recent Backup and the first backup. For Avamar, this will be over a 30-day period.
Why does the sum of clients differ at the top of the PowerPoint versus adding up all the clients for each policy group?
- As you are aware hosts may have multiple policies. Therefore, the sum of unique clients may differ from the sum of policy groups or save sets.
How is the Daily Change Rate (DCR) Calculated?
- For Avamar, DCR is calculated by the average of bytes modified sent, plus bytes modified not sent, divided by bytes scanned.
Where can I find information about the used vs. allocated capacity of VMs?
- For this, we recommend running Optical Prime, another offering from Live Optics. Optical Prime is a host-based profiling tool.
My project has been processing many hours; what do I do?
- Depending upon the size of the raw files uploaded or the number of projects in the queue, a DPS profile may take as few as 20 minutes or many hours to complete, If you find that your project is taking more than 12 hours to process, speak to Live Optics Support by Creating A Ticket. You must be logged in to send a ticket to Support.
My project’s status is Error. What do I do?
- Please speak to Live Optics Support by Creating A Ticket. You must be logged in to send a ticket to Support.