Make sure you read and understand the following information before you begin a Kubernetes collection using the Live Optics collector.
Live Optics collection should work on all on-prem environments, but has been tested only on the following at this time: - Red Hat OpenShift - Rancher - K3S
NOTE: The user/service account must have at least read-only access to the objects for which you wish to collect data. For example, access to pod and container objects requires different permissions.
You can also use an existing kubeconfig file to complete a collection. See Complete a Kubernetes collection for more information.
To authenticate, Live Optics supports kubeconfig files for: - User Accounts with token - Service Accounts with token - User Accounts with X. 509 certificate - Service Accounts with X. 509 certificate
Live Optics does not support OpenID or any other authentication method at this time.
Live Optics does not save kubeconfig file or credential information.