Optical Prime, the Live Optics host-based collector, will identify physical disks or LUNS that are either directly attached or SAN attached.
Optical Prime does not support and will not detect NAS storage*. NFS mounts and CIFS file shares will not be detected by Live Optics.
While Optical Prime will identify and monitor SAN disks mounted by supported operating systems, it cannot directly connect to storage array appliances.
In the case of multi-pathed SAN LUNs, Optical Prime will report the LUN as a single entity, and report the aggregate IO across all paths.
In the case of VMware when Optical Prime is connected directly to a vCenter server, it will not identify mounted CIFS or NFS shares on the guest VMs, nor will it identify iSCSI SAN LUNs mounted directly by the guest VMs using software initiators. Optical Prime will identify pass-through disks such as RDMs and raw LUNS connected to the ESX servers.
This is also true with Hyper-V virtual machines. Optical Prime will not identify iSCSI LUNs that are mounted directly by the virtual machines using a software initiator.
* Optical Prime will detect NAS-mounted VMware Datastores if the ESX server and vCenter server are running version 4.1 or greater.