A server is considered to be a monitoring target by the Optical Prime. It can be physical or virtual and can be on any hardware or virtualization platform. It can be a remote target or a local target if the collector is monitoring and also running on the same machine.
Optical Prime also supports the collection of servers running VMware ESX. However, ESX is monitored by Optical Prime through vCenter only. To Optical Prime, vCenter is considered only one target no matter how many ESX servers are managed in vCenter.
Optical Prime will support up to 256 targets per collector instance.
A server target, or more specifically the operating system, is what the Optical Prime monitors. The collector pulls performance and other data from the server(s) for later analysis by using the Live Optics Optical Prime viewer. Optical Prime supports collecting from a wide range of operating systems, both physical and virtual, including Windows, Linux, VMware, Solaris, and HPUX. The complete list can be found from within each Live Optical Prime Live Optics online profile.
In the Live Optics viewer for Optical Prime, you will be able to navigate sub-objects of the server to view performance. These would be the local and cluster disks as well as any NICs.
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Optical Prime