The Dell SAN Health utility collects data from any Fibre Channel SAN environment and produces a detailed Excel spreadsheet and PowerPoint of the SAN Configuration. Directors and switches supported include Dell EMC Connectrix, Brocade, McData, Cisco, and Cisco Nexus.
This document provides instructions on how to run a SAN Health Collection.
- Select Storage from the list from the Category types and select SAN Health from the list of storage assets.
- Click on Download Utility
Install the SAN Health Utility
- If you have a previous version of SANHealth installed you must uninstall it before continuing with this install
- The Dell EMC SAN Health utility is delivered in a .ZIP file
- The .ZIP file contains the utility and a “Tips and Tricks” PDF file with runtime instructions
- Click on the file – VVVV is 421a or higher
- A temporary file will be opened with the InstallSANHealthVVVV_EMC.exe
- VVVV = 4.2.1a or higher
- Select folder where .exe can be saved
- Click on InstallSANHealthVVVV_EMC.exe to start the Installation
- The initial SAN Health installation screen will appear
- Click Next
- Review the terms of the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, check the box next to “I agree to these terms and conditions” and click next
- Install folder location and complete audit and working folder location screen (Default values are recommended)
- Click Install
- If you have an older version of SAN Health installed you must delete that prior to installing the latest version.
- Once installation has completed, click "Finish" to exit the installer.
- The screen should automatically open when install is complete OR
- Locate the "San Health 4" desktop icon and double-click to run.
- The screen includes helpful links to videos, the San Health support matrix and options for getting assistance.
- Select NEW at the top of the screen to create an audit set
Run the SAN Health Utility
- Enter your site details including the user and company information. You must enter a valid email in the “Report Return” field, otherwise you will not receive any results.
- If applicable, check the box for “Another company you are working with” and enter the email address of your Dell Sales Engineer. This will cause the reports generated to also be sent directly to their email address.
- Click on “Switches” and enter the credentials for your switches. The tool will only gather statistics on devices where the credentials are identified.
- Click on “Fabric” and enter the details of your fabric
- Click on “Switch” in the tree view display and review the details for your switches.
- Click on Capture then
- Click on Start Audit to start collecting information of your SAN
- You will receive a full report via email in approximately 24 hours